Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Strike a pose and painting :)

So this evening, Andrew calls me into the bathroom, where I find him posing in front of the mirror in his new shirt. His immediate, and serious, question was "Do I look cool when I stand like this?". He then provided a couple of different poses for me to choose which one was my favorite, or which one was the "coolest". Personally, I found this to be quite hilarious. Above is a picture of Andrew's posing.

Also, I have recently tried my hand at painting and I'm really enjoying it :) I have listed below two things I have recently done. Also the picture at the top of our blog is one a did as well. Hopefully with practice I'll get much better!

1 comment:

  1. First of all, thats sooo Andrew. Second, Laura and I really like the flower pot painting with the yellow background, we would like ours next week and could you frame it in black? Thanks.
